Katarina Webster
Katarina Webster
Graham Webster
Sean Webster
Katarina Webster
Katarina Webster
Sean and Katarina Webster
Katarina Webster
Katarina Webster
Steven Webster
Ken Webster
Lisa Webster
Merlene Webster, Tricia and Graham Armstrong Gill and Claire Armstrong
Graham Armstrong
Graham and Claire Armstrong
Paul, Tricia, Gill, Claire, and Graham Armstrong
Gill, Claire, and Graham Armstrong, Merlene Webster
Paul Armstrong, Merlene Webster, Gill, Claire, and Graham Armstrong
Don Webster, Tricia Armstrong, Gill, Claire, and Graham Armstrong
Jenny Webster
Janet Green, Jenny Webster, Alpha Jaakobs (check the mirror)
Lisa Webster and Janet Green
Amy Webster
Merlene Webster
Merlene Webster Amy Webster
Merlene Webster Amy Webster
Janet Green
Ken, Jenny, Amy, Matthew, and Lisa Webster Halloween
Jenny Webster
Kids on a log. Steven Webster, Jeff Green, Ken Webster, Brian Webster, Melinda Webster, Janet Green, Amy Webster, Matthew Webster, Lisa Webster, Jenny Webster
Kids on a log.
Steven Webster, Jeff Green, Ken Webster, Brian Webster, Melinda Webster, Janet Green, Amy Webster, Matthew Webster, Lisa Webster, Jenny Webster
Brian, Melinda, and Steven Webster Halloween
Kids on a log.
Steven Webster, Jeff Green, Ken Webster, Brian Webster, Melinda Webster, Janet Green, Amy Webster, Matthew Webster, Lisa Webster, Jenny Webster
Melinda, Jenny, Lisa, Ken, and Steven Webster
Amy, Brian, Ken, Melinda, Jenny, Lisa, Ken, and Steven Webster
Sean Webster
Jenny, Amy, Lisa, and Ken Webster
Don, Ken, Matthew, and Jenny Webster
Ken, Matthew, and Jenny Webster
Amy, Jenny, Matthew, Ken, and Lisa Webster
Claire Armstrong, Graham Armstrong, Merlene Webster, Gill Armstrong Hilton Head
Gill Armstrong, Paul Armstrong, Graham Armstrong, Merlene Webster, Claire Armstrong Hilton Head
Merlene Webster, Graham, Gill, and Claire Armstrong Hilton Head
Gill Armstrong Hilton Head
Claire and Gill Armstrong Hilton Head
Tricia, Graham, Gill, and Claire Armstrong Hilton Head
Gill and Claire Armstrong Hilton Head
Beachcombers. Tricia, Claire, Graham, and Gill Armstrong Hilton Head
Beachcombers. Tricia, Graham, Claire, and Gill Armstrong Hilton Head
Gill, Graham, and Claire Armstrong Hilton Head
Tricia Armstrong and Merlene Webster Hilton Head
Gill and Claire Armstrong Halloween
Don Webster and a double bell euphonium
Brian Webster and a trumpet
Don and Brian Webster, bariton and trumpet
Sean Webster
Sean Webster
Tricia, Claire, Gill, and Graham Armstrong, Merlene Webster
Tricia, Claire, Gill, and Graham Armstrong, Merlene Webster
Jenny Webster
Matthew Webster
Steven Webster
Stephanie Webster
Stephanie Webster
Stephanie Webster
Brian Webster
Sean Webster
Sean Webster
Sean Webster
Sean Webster
Sean Webster
Sean Webster
Melinda Webster
Melinda Webster
Melinda Webster
Sean Webster
Katarina Webster
Sean Webster